Slippery Traces: The Postcard Trail (1995)
Interactive database installation & cd-rom publication
Slippery Traces was created as an interactive installation consisting
of a large projection, interaction stand, and wall text. It premiered
at the ISEA 95 Media Festival exhibition in Montreal and subsequently
in a number of museums and was also included in the 1998-1999 travelling
exhibition "Deep Storage" curated by the Siemens Kultur
Programm. It was published in its cd-rom version the following year
in Artintact 3, by the ZKM
Centre for Art & Technology, Karlsruhe.
"Photography is memory, the trace of an original. In a postmodern
age,...the past has become a collection of photographic, filmic or
televisual images. We, like the replicants [in the movie Blade
Runner], are put in the position of reclaiming a history by
means of its reproduction."
"Ramble City: Postmodernism and Blade
Runner" Giuliana Bruno (1987)
"Any classification is superior to chaos and even a classification
at the level of sensible properties is a step towards rational ordering
. . .The decision that everything must be taken account of facilitates
the creation of a "memory bank."
The Savage Mind, Claude Lévi-Strauss
"We can cast a glance upon the sign as a kind of postcard:
description/ideology never quite captioning and thereby never quite
capturing the real; the view from one side suppressing the other;
an irrecoverable distance arising between the object and its given
context of origin. Yet the sign...is put into play by its position
among differences; like narrative, it is a gesture toward, and therefore
against, death."
On Longing, Susan Stewart (1993)
"Falsely naive, the postcard misleads in direct measure
to the fact that it presents itself as having neither depth nor aesthetic
pretensions. The colonial postcard is inseparable from that which
occasioned its existence . . .Travel is the essence of the postcard,
and expedition its mode. . .No envelope can contain a postcard. Hidden,
it immediately ceases to be."
The Colonial Harem, Malek Alloula (1986)
"The paradox, the dilemma of authenticity, is that to be
experienced as authentic it must be marked as authentic, but when
it is marked as authentic it is mediated, a sign of itself, and hence
not authentic in the sense of the unspoiled."
Semiotics of Tourism, Jonathan Culler
Description: Slippery Traces
is a multi-linear visual narrative in which viewers navigate through
a network of over 240 interconnected postcards classified into 24
categories or chapters. The intention of the work has been to explore
database structures as a means of generating multi-linear narratives
at a time when web search engines were introduced. I wanted to produce
a narrative work in which three sets of cultural messages could intersect
or collapse into each other. First, the archive consists mostly of
commercial postcards selected out of 2000 to represent 20th century
culture. The second level consisted of my evaluation of these images
encoded through keywords and cross-listed through a database to maximize
movement between categories. Third, the collection of these images
signifies in a dispersed way my autobiography. Amongst the images
can be found 1920s to 1940s family portraits printed on
postcards, places I have been, and cultures that shaped me in various
ways. Classification & the Database:
The intent underlying my selection of postcards was to provide an
overview, both cultural and ideological on mid-20th century photographic
representation within the framework of global development, tourism
and cultural exchange. I was searching for images that were interesting
in their content and structure, images that were culturally significant
or relevant subject matter or visually intriguing compositions that
express a perception based on the photographic paradigm. For instance,
images of conventionality and banality such as tourist sites, business
arrangements, advertising; images of the social order representing
work, industry, military, family; images that make visible the technical
in the photographic, such as being blurred, oddly framed, etc; personal
images, images that expressed the passing of time; images of transgression,
articulating colonialization, the exoticising or eroticising of the
non-Western culture; images of abundance, images of the absurd stated
through the exaggerated, the touristic, the play of similarity, the
play between the natural and the cultural such as dressed-up animals;
images of fear such as assassination, nazi group photos, fire, destruction;
images that play on ethnocentrism, racism or stereotypes such a Saudi
Arab counting money; and images that expressed the poetic and the
sublime. The selection does not aim to represent the totality of 20th-century
historical experience. I was limited by what was at hand, as well
as by the necessity of curtailing the overall size of Slippery
Traces to eventually fit on a CD-ROM. This incongruous collection
of cultural visual artifacts were then classified into categories
that emerged out of the ordering process: "Airplane Industry",
"Americana", "Ancient Monuments", "Animals",
"Auto Culture", "Caribbean World", "Colorful",
"European Images", "Fire & Light", "Fishing
Stories", "Industry", "Military Images",
"Morality Tales", "Native American", "Nature
& Culture", "Orientalism", "Scenic Views",
"Social Groups", "The Great War", "The Jump",
"The Rocky Way", "Urban Places", and "Yugoslavian
Front". These labels express a conglomeration of categories not
unlike Borges invented Chinese Encyclopedia and, in a similar
fashion, provide a rich mix of cultural and metaphorical references
encoded into a structure that make possible multi-linear narrative
plot development. Textual Context:
At the start of the viewing experience, the spectator is confronted
with one of three quotes that appear on the screen. Randomly chosen,
each quote addresses the project either from an anthropological ,
or colonialist , or media theory perspective, thereby setting a cultural
interpretive slant by which the viewing experience becomes framed.
In the installation version, two additional quotes are present stamped
on the wall, further contextualizing the reception of the postcard
image in terms of semiotic and literary viewpoints.
Navigation & Interaction:
The interactive experience begins with the program randomly selecting
an image from one of the 24 categories as only one category, and one
image can be viewed at a time, in a close-up, fragmented mode. Every
image contains approximately 5 hotspots, or links to other images.
These become visible when rolled over by the mouse forcing the viewer
to explore the surface of the image in search of links. When a hotspot
is clicked, the program checks to see if enough images have been viewed
in the current category. If not, then it selects another image from
the current category. If yes, then it randomly selects one of the
two or more assigned linked images determined by the database algorithm.
An image cannot be viewed if it has already been selected during the
last 12 selections. At anytime following the 5th viewed image, users
can review the stream of images, or "meta-narrative" image
sequence they have created through the clicking from one image to
the next. The resultant sequence consists of any number of images
linked linearly where all the images are related in such a way that
some detail in the preceding image outlined by a red rectangle becomes
a meaningful connection to something represented in the following
image. The hotspot links by which an image is related to another is
based on a set of conditions encoded in the database structure consisting
of any number of literal, semiotic, psychoanalytic, metaphoric or
other connections. These were determined by myself through the process
of subjective classification where each images properties were
registered into a database through keywords. The relations have been
encoded into the database influencing the navigational structure and
can therefore be considered as one of the sites of authorship in the
work. As the viewer moves from one image to another, the relation
between the images allow for varying degrees of recognition based
on the particular result from the database selection process. Sometimes
the relationship is quite clear, other times, less. The viewing experience
then is in the play and contrast of expectations between knowing that
the program will bring forth an image that is somehow related to the
clicked hotspot and the resultant degree of closeness or distance
between the clicked hotspot and new image. Structure:
Slippery Traces had its roots in a two-projector slide
show created to explore the ways that the meanings of images change
when juxtaposed with other images. Images are normally seen in relation
to each other, and like words positioned together in a sentence, they
oscillate each other, slightly expanding, re-adjusting, imperceptibly
transforming their meaning through contrast, association, extension,
difference, etc. Transferred to the non-linear dynamic environment
of the computer, the shifts in meaning are exponentially increased
as the images are freed from their slide-tray linear positions, to
be constantly resituated in relationship to each other as determined
by criteria defined in the computer code. The result is an imaginary
three-dimensional, nerve-cell-like membrane network in which all 240
images are interlinked with over 2000 connections criss-crossing to
form a unified whole. Connections, or hot spots have something thematically
in common with the image they call-up. Each time the viewer clicks
on a hot spot to move to another image, he or she weaves a path in
this dense maze of connections.
In Slippery Traces, the viewer moves from one information source
selected out of a range of possible choices to another, also selected
out of other possible choices. As mentioned earlier, these linkages
are defined through keywords hidden from the viewer in the database
according to common literal or metaphoric properties.
Title Reference:
The work's title "Slippery Traces", makes reference
to the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan's particular use of the term "slip"
and slippage to describe the unstable relationship between a sign
and its meaning. In his remark that "meaning emerges only through
discourse, as a consequence of displacements along a signifying chain"
he is referring to the notion that the meaning of things are defined
not in themselves but through their relation to other signs. Lacan
argues against the Saussurian notion that there is a stable relation
between a signifier and what it refers to. Consider Jacques Derrida's
observation that in the construction of meaning, a signifier always
signifies another signifier: no word is free from metaphoricity .
The example of the dictionary is offered. When we search for the meaning
of a word, our recourse is to look in a dictionary where instead of
finding meaning we are given other words against which to compare
our word. From this we can gather that meaning, otherwise expressed
as the term "signified", emerges through discourse, as a
consequence of displacements along signifying chains. Both of these
references consider meaning as taking place through the interaction
of information modules sequenced in relation to each other. Slippery
Traces evokes the cinematic montage sequence through the linear
ordering of images chosen through hotspot links, but in contrast to
the cinematic model, the narrative potential in this interactive work
resides in the interplay of the viewers choice, chance, and
the encoded structure of the database.
Project Team:
George Legrady, Concept, design, interactive programming
Rosemary Comella, Consultant, database, and programming
Wolfgang Muench, ZKM, Karlsruhe, "Artintact 3", CD-ROM
Slippery Traces was produced with the assistance of a Computer
Aided-Media Award from The Canada Council for the Arts and also
with the support of a Visual Arts Fellowship, The National Endowment
for the Arts.
Selected Installations:
Imaginary, Banff Center for the Arts, Dunlop Art Gallery,
Regina, Unioversity of Toronto (2005)
Deep Storage, Henry Art Gallery, Seattle; Projects Studios One
(P. S. 1), New York; Kunstmuseum Düsseldorf im Ehrenhof; Neue
Nationalgalerie, 20. Jahrhundert, Berlin; Haus der Kunst, München
George Legrady: From analogue to Digital, Canadian
Museum of Contemporary Photography, Ottawa (solo, 997/98)
Selected Memories, Palais des beaux-arts de Bruxelles, Brussels
Dawn of the Magicians, National Gallery, Prague (1997)
Osnabrück European Media Festival, Osnabrück (1996)
The Butterfly Effect, Mücsarnok Museum of Fine Arts,
Budapest (1996)
3rd Lyon Biennale of Contemporary Art, Lyon (1995/96)
International Society of Electronic Arts '95, Montréal (1995)