Python 2.7.6 (default, Jan 10 2014, 13:35:22)

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In [1]: from os import listdir

In [2]: from essentia.standard import AudioLoader

In [3]: cd ~/Desktop/Music


In [4]: base_dir = '/Users/adj/Desktop/Music'

In [5]: music_list = listdir(base_dir)

In [6]: #The first item in music_list is not a music file, so it must be removed.

In [7]: music_list = music_list[1:]

In [8]: total_length = len(music_list)

In [9]: histogram_array = zeros(total_length)

In [10]: cntr = 0

    ...: for file in music_list:

    ...: loader = AudioLoader(filename = file)

    ...: audio, sr, nchnls = loader()

    ...: num_sec = audio.shape[0] / float(sr)

    ...: histogram_array[cntr] = num_sec

    ...: cntr += 1


In [11]: #The previous calculation is very slow, so I am probably doing something inefficiently!

In [12]: bar(arange(total_length), histogram_array, 0.05)

Out[12]: <Container object of 194 artists>

In [13]: #My music collection on this computer is pretty small---sorry!