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In [1]: # My goal was to analyze the set of Bach chorales in the music21 corpus to answer the following question: Of the chorales that are in a minor key, what proportion end with the Picardy third (i.e., the final chord is major)? From my experience with Bach's style, I hypothesized that the answer would be quite high, maybe around 90%.

In [2]: from music21 import *

In [3]: works = []

   ...: for workName in corpus.getBachChorales():

   ...: work = converter.parse(workName)

   ...: fe = features.native.QualityFeature(work)

   ...: f = fe.extract()

   ...: if f.vector == [1]: # f.vector is [0] for major and [1] for minor

   ...: works.append(work)




In [4]: # This was super slow!!

In [5]: total = len(works)

In [6]: print(total)


In [7]: # So there are 182 minor key chorales. Now we need to go through each one and check the quality of the final chord.

In [8]: count = 0

   ...: for work in works:

   ...: chordsOnly = work.flat

   ...: chordsOnly = chordsOnly.chordify()

   ...: chordsOnly = chordsOnly.notes # this eliminates extraneous rests and barlines which might occur at the end

   ...: lastChord = chordsOnly[-1]

   ...: if lastChord.quality == 'major':

   ...: count += 1

In [9]: # This was also super slow!

In [10]: print(count)


In [11]: percent = 100 * count / float(total)

In [12]: print(percent)


In [13]: # So in fact, in the music21 corpus of Bach chorales, about 93% of the minor chorales end with the Picardy third, slightly higher even than I predicted. It would be interesting to examine the 7% that do not to see whether they share any common characteristics! Perhaps in a future project.