Week 5 - Audio Feature Extraction III - Higher level features

Mon 03 February 2014 by Andres Cabrera


Ipython notebooks:

Homework 5

due: Friday 14th February

Use pitch or tempo extractors from an existing library (Essentia, Marsyas, librosa, etc.) to extract tempo and beat information from your collection. Verify the results, to try to identify wrong estimations and discuss the reasons for this.


due: Friday 14th February

Klapuri, A., & Davy, M. (2006). Signal Processing Methods for Music Transcription. Part II- Chapter 4: Beat Tracking and Musical Metre Analysis. Pages 101-127.

Further Reading

Lerch, A. (n.d.). Chapter 6: Temporal analysis. In An Introduction to Audio Content Analysis (pp. 119–137).
