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2008F Instructor |
Course Objectives Course Topics Course Work |
Digital Visual Culture is an upper division course
that examines the impact of digital technologies on artmaking and visual
culture. The course will introduce projects, methods, and resources
representative of the impact of digital processes on artmaking and its
reception in the visual, spatial, temporal, conceptual and cultural
domains. |
[1]...... 09.25 Th | Course Introduction An overview of Arts130 |
Tu Reading |
Arts Literature Overview Brief description of the discipline with an overview of the key literature of the past 10 years with some earlier historical examples Art as Research, Information Arts, Steve Wilson (pg 3-33) |
10.02 Th Reading |
Elements of Media Art for Prototyping |
[3]...... 10.07 Tu Reading |
in Art & Technology (LACMA, 1967-1970) Early arts, industry, & engineering: An overview of the 1960's EAT experiments Langlois Overview | Time Magazine 1971 Review Notes on "A Report on the Art and Technology Program at LACMA", 1967, Tuchman, (pp9-47) |
10.09 Th Assignment |
in Art & Technology Compare two of the artists and projects, reflecting on what it would have been like 40 years ago to try to realize an artwork that involves technology. Due October 18. |
[4]....... 10.14 Tu | VISUAL MAPPING Visual Complexity | Wattenberg | Denes | Lesak | Daniel Spoerri: An Anecdoted Topography of Chance [6] [203] |
10.16 Th Assignment |
Methods of Classification OBSERVATION/CLASSIFICATION SKETCH: The assignment deals with examining how we classify things. These are the steps: 1. Take a situation from your everyday life: how your room is organized, your schedule, your interaction with the people you live with, your closet, the kitchen, phenomena: light and sound changes during the day, every person you meet wearing red, how the objects in your space are (dis)organized, etc. 2. Consider the situation as a system: Describe the elements, and their relation to each other using any methods of organization (time, location, colors, volume, brightness, incremental change variations, etc. 3. Create a web page using photos, a sketch, etc. Images should be kept small: 640x480 pixels, 72dpi, jpeg Project is due October 23. Describe and give link in the mailling list. |
[5]...... 10.21 Tu Reading |
IMAGE TO COMPUTATIONAL IMAGE Image as structured information; representation, optical mechanical; computational image What is an Image | Anamorphosis [marci/zoltan [1]] | Waliczky | Ruhm Barthes' "Rhetoric of the image" [Download article] [Panzani Billboard ] [Notes] |
10.23 Th Assignment |
IMAGE/Events in TIME: Narrative (Student Research
presentations) |
10.28 Tu Reading |
SPACE-STRUCTURE-FORM | MACHINE CULTURE Objects, machines, installations, spatialization Gabo | Cragg | Kapoor [1]| Digital fabrication | Weiser | Block-Jam | Ned Kahn | Bohlen | Rinaldo | DECOI | Robotic Chair [1] [2] [3]| |
10.30 Th Mid-Term Exam |
SPACE-TIME, LOCATIVE & INTERACTIVITY Projects in space-time & Interactivity Marey [1] [2]| Art+COM [1] | Ruhm | Scalable City | Moeller | Courschene | Fujihata | Senseable, Graz [1] | Jeff Han The mid-term will address material covered in the course: ideas, artists, techniques, etc. All questions on the exam will come from material at this webpage. |
[7]...... 11.04 Tu Reading |
SEMIOTICS: The study of signs 10000yrs | Fleetingness of Bits | Semiotics Basics | bits/byte How would address the problem of long term communication given that language changes and that the technology is short lived |
11.06 Th Assignment |
DESIGN PROCESS: METHODOLOGY & AESTHETICS Research, concept definition, resources, sketching, production details, budgets, visual identity, target audience, sample production, web design details Guest speaker: Casey Williams: Photography & Aesthetics Describe the design process in any of the projects presented this week |
[8]...... 11.11 Tu | AESTHETIC DIRECTIONS IN BIO, GENETIC, ECO-VISUALIZATION Emergent_Art: Sommerer-Mignonneau | Karl Sims | Boids Bio_Nature: Self-Organizing Camazine | Syntfarm | Swarm (Ramos) | Bio_Robotics: Stelarc | Rinaldo Bio_Eco: Tiffany Holmes || Vanouse | Da Costa | Critical art Ensemble | Symbiotica | |
11.13 Th |
AESTHETIC DIRECTIONS IN BIO, GENETIC, ECO-VISUALIZATIONS Describe the design process in any of the projects presented this week |
11.18 Tu |
SOUND ART | ENVIRONMENT | INSTALLATION A few examples of sound used as a site specific experience Ambient sound: Fontana | Neuhaus | Speakers as elements in installation: Rath | Minard Sound & Objects: Heckert | van der Heide | deMarinis Installation: Kubisch | Osborne Sound Performance: Nicolai [1] |
11.20 Th |
TBA | |
11.25 Tu |
TBA | |
11.27 Th |
[11]........ 12.2 Tu | TBA |
12.4 Th |
12.09 Tu |