2011f Instructor |
Course Description
Data visualization consists of the visual representation of abstract data. In this course Students explore conceptual, cultural and other issues specific to data visualization. Through presentations, Texts, and discussions, the class introduces concepts and methods of a) data mining, b) data analysis and aggregation, and c) information design and visualization. In addition to giving an overview of data visualization, the course includes a practical component in which students are introduced to modules for datamining to explore a data set of over 55 million entries culled from the transactions at a major American library. Each library transaction contains scalar, numeric, time-based, semantic and other forms of metadata which allow for a multiplicity and complex modes of data correlation and representation. This data is representative of titles of books, DVDs, CDs and other media checked out by the general public since 2005 and has been collected with the intent to study changes in the circulation as libraries are transforming themselves due to the increasing influence of the Internet as a as information source. | |
Koolhaas' Seattle Library
Concept Book | PrinceRamus
on TED | SPL
Architecture |
The SPL Data
The SPL data consists of checked-out items (books, cds, movies, etc.) received by the hour through the art project "Making Visible the Invisible" [Project Overview PDF]. The data is in XML format and located at: XML Format Data (password access required) Examples of code and visualization examples use MySQL and Processing. The complete set can be reviewed at MAT 259 Visualizing Information |
[wk 1].......8.29 | Course overview, datavisualization, introductions, [forum click here] | |
Text |
Beautiful Visualization, chapter 1, 2 | |
[wk 2].......9.12 | Data Visualization Examples |
Lab/Research | Minard | NYTimes [recession][jobrate][DNA][MichaelJackson][fun] | Feltron | Wattenberg | catalogTree | | |
Text |
Visualization Criticism, Kosara | "Eyes Have It" Schneiderman | Ch1: Seven Stages...., Fry | |
[wk 3].......9.19 | What is Database/data Mining? GoogleNGram | GoogleCorrelate | Yerkes [url] |
Lab/Research | Introduction to MySQL basics: Manual | Tutorial | Index, Forta [GoogleBooks] | Sequel Pro | |
Text |
500 Billion Words | |
[wk 4].......9.26 | Introduction to the Seattle library Data |
Lab/Research |
Dewey Classification | ItemTypes (Definitions) | SPL New Titles | SPL Histogram | |
Text |
Thinking Deeper Kosara | |
TOPIC 2 | DATA MAPPING in 1D, 2D, 3D | |
[wk 5]......10.03 | Linear Frequency Visualization |
Lab/Research | Info Aesthetics | Visual Complexity | Fisher | GLevin | BabyNames | US Contracts (Catalog Tree) | Spatial Information Design | Stamen | Manovich | |
Text |
Cultural Analytics (Manovich) | |
[wk 6]......10.10 | Visual Basics |
Lab/Research | Kohonen Self-organizing Map | Godwin [sort] | JJGuy SOM | Market NYTimes | TextArc | Reza Ali | Fry-Isometrics | UliSchmidt | DarkMatter | 3D Slice | Google Trends | |
[wk 7]......10.17 |
Angus Forbes Lecture |
[wk 8]......10.24 | NSF Workshop | Atlas of Science [amazon] | bible | Classification | Mapping Science | Research | Selley | Mapping & Correlation: 10f Geneva Workshop | Joshua | Qian | Domagoy |
Code Reference |
testmysql.pde | MySQLQueries zip | |
[wk 9]......10.31 | Treemap | SmartMoney | Newsmap | Ben Fry Treemap | Treemap Class | From 2010W projects: Sbaht | YTeng | |
Code Reference | Treemap Demos | BenFry Treemap Library 3DDemos2010.zip | AnimationAnd3D.zip |
[wk 10]......11.07 | Class Research Proposal Presentation
[wk 11]......11.14 | Begin Final project | Individual Meetings | Schedule | |
[wk 12]......11.21 | Final project / Work-in-progress presentation | discussion | |
[wk 13]......11.28 | NYPL Presentation | Final project / research | |
[wk 14]......12.05 | Final project / production - individual meetings | |
[wk 15]......12.12 |
Student presentations | |
Technical TextBooks
Graphics of Large Datasets, Unwin, Theus, Hofmann (Statistics & Computing) |
Information Visualization Mapping & Design Graphic Design Literary Analysis Online References Additional Processing Refs |
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information | Envisioning Information, Edward Tufte Mapping Graphic Navigational Systems, Fawcett-Tang DataFlow: Visualizing Information in Graphic Design, Gestalten Graphs, Maps, Trees, Franco Moretti Visual Complexity | Infoesthetics | 259 Links Resource Shiffman | Greenberg [Code Reference] | Terzidis [Code Reference] |
Grading | Attendance, Participation and Satisfactory completion of |