Courses:MAT251 01F:Schedule:10.29.01

Schedule MAT251 01F

10.29.01 Human-Computer Interface
Refs:Matthew Turk

Matthew Turk is coming to lecture on human computer interface at 5pm, Monday, OCtober 29. The lecture will be approximately 1 hour including discussion at the end. Afterwards I would like to set up individual meetings. As it turns out, the chancellor has asked me to attend a meeting at 7:30pm this means we will have approximately 1 hour tomorrow evening for meetings. that translates to 3 meetings. the classroom will be available for testing for the evening and information exchange during the individual meetings.

I will begin to assign a progress report grade this week for the semester work following the meetings. Everyone will need to meet with me either Monday night or else schedule a meeting during the rest of the week until November 1.

I would like you to come to the meeting with the following:
1 a digital text project concept description including: title, description, tech details, references
2 storyboard, diagrams and/or Director program
If your Director program is advnaced, you wonte need the storyboard. If your Director program is at a starting stage, then you will need a storyboard.
Oct 29
6:15/6:35 meeting
6:35/6:55 meeting
6:55/7:15 meeting
Otherwise, please make an appointment between October 29-Nov 2.