MAT200A 02W

Courses:MAT200A 02W:Report:Stefanie L. Ku

MAT200A 02W

Report by: Stefanie L. Ku

A robot is, according to Webster's Dictionary, a mechanical device operating automatically, in a seemingly human way. The term was originally coined by the Czech author Karel Capek in a short story "Opilec." Interestingly, the Czech word rabu is defined as a person who performs his tasks as if he is a robot.

The above definition is one that is overly simplified. In today's world, there are robots that perform intelligent tasks yet do not bear any resemblance to a human being, just as there are humanoid robots who lack sophistication in their behavior. The Robot Institude of America defines robots as "programmable, multifunctional manipulators designed to move material parts, tools, or specialized devices through variable programmed motions or for the performance of a variety of tasks."

This website will attempt to discuss the topic of robotics by investigating examples taken from its various sub-categories, such as medical robots, field robots, robots as seen in literature, theatrical robots, robotic pets, and destruction robots as seen in Robot Wars, just to name a few.
