Course Introduction


5 Sections / Concepts

Integration combining of artistic forms and technology into a hybrid form of expression
Interactivity manipulate experience directly and to communicate with others through media
Hypermedia linking of separate media elements to one another to create trail of personal association
Immersion entering into the simulation of a 3D environment
Narrativity aesthetic and formal strategies which result in nonlinear story forms and media representations

Engineering & Theory: The transition of the computer from calculating machine to a medium

1945 V.Bush
A device for mechanized private file and library: operate literally "as we may think"
1945 N.Wiener
Cybernetics, HCI background and social impact of electronic media
1945 Licklider
The computer as creative collaborator
1960's Sutherland
Sketchpad - 1st interactive graphics software, also immersive room proposal
3D display: a computer could represent information spatially
1963 T.Nelson
XANADU: the hyperlink (responding to bushıs Memex associative trails)
1968 Engelbart
Toolkit to augment human intellect: oNLine System (NLS)
(1st time to manipulate information through a computer interface)
1970 A.Kay
Xerox Parc, Dynabook: notebook size, hyperlinking, integrate all media (GUI)
1970's R.Bolt
Information as a "place", spatial-data management
1989 T.Berners-Lee
CERN, WWW: on-line document sharing system (non-hierarchical structure and open protocols)

Arts: Theater, Performance as Multimedia; Immersive environments

1849 Wagner
Gesamtkunstwerk: unification of music, song, dance, poetry, visual arts, stagecraft
1916 Futurists
Revolutionary declaration of film (technology) as supreme art
1924 Moholy-Nagy
Formal elements: space, composition, motion, sound, movement, light
1940's Cage
Collaborative performance, indeterminacy and chance operations
1960's A. Kaprow
Happenings: aesthetically planned group interactivity in composed environment
1960's Kluver
EAT: Experiments in Art & Technology (artists & engineers)
1966 R.Ascott
Computers as Artistic Expression