MAT200A 03W

george j. avelino



Deep Contact
  "...touching the protagonist Marion becomes an erotic gesture, the extension of a phantom linb into the illusionary world of virtual storyspace." (Packer)

Erotic video disc that invites viewers to become participants


Touch screen (touch various parts of Marion's body) to influence the next scene, touching the screen becomes an extension of the users hand

=: Video camera used to capture the participant and transport them into the scene, transgression.
Roberta Breitmore
  Roberta Breitmore - A Private Performance In Real Life
=: Role played by Hearshmann that lasted for 9 years. Initially, Hershmann wanted to hire someone to play Roberta, but the role called for Roberta to commit suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge.

Roberta had an apartment, credit cards, a psychiatrist, exorcism, and had a job in a prostitute ring for one day.



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