Sound - Time - Space

David Thall - MAT 200A Final





During the past century, radio scientists have been sending sounds into the ionosphere, bouncing sounds off of earth-rotating satellites, and reflecting sounds off of the moon.

A medium must be found to communicate our histories outside of the constraints of time-based physical media. We must send our sounds into outerspace via radio.

Through a mixture of very fine-tuned mathematical calculations (e.g., doppler shifts and automatic gain compensations) and radio satellites acting as 'signal repeaters', sounds could be modulated into space for arbitrarily lengthy amounts of time.

Any intelligent lifeform, whether it be alien to our planet or earthbound 1,000 years from now, would only need to develop a way to demodulate (or listen to) the radio spectrum being transmitted. The receiver does not need to have a definite or clear understanding of digital binary encoding.