
Group Members |
Terry Keller
Carlos Castellanos
Ryan Avery
The project is expected to span two years from initial funding to its premier exhibition. Actual project schedule will adjust accordingly (larger funding, more collaborators = shorter timeline; less funding, fewer collaborators = longer timeline) |
Q1 |
- Physical/biological sensor aquisition: Shop for sensor vendors, taking into account both price and ease of interface in sensor selection.
- Electrical interfaces for sensors constructed: Preliminary sensor data tests
- Audio and video input solutions researched / aquired: Microphone has to function well relatively far from subject, video camera needs good low-light resolution for use in installation
- Construct standard format for user data database: Entire project will rely on effectiveness of database, so plan for easy future expansion.
- Exact data-to-visualization and data-to-sonification algorithms are set: Begin work on algorithm implementation
Q2 |
- Database back-end preliminary construction
- Begin microphone input programming: Techniques such as differential microphones, automatic echo cancellation required for effective implimentation
- Electrical interfaces tweaked to match changing system specifications
Q3 |
- Database back-end final implementation
- Microphone and camera capture design (software and hardware) completed, tested
- Exact inter-person dialogue procedure finalized (how the system constructs a dialogue based on user data)
- Begin coding dialogue procedure system: Work will be slow until the individual system tests are completed
- Finalize all electrical interfaces - no changes after this point unless ABSOLUTELY necessary
Q4 |
- Individual system tests: Very limited inter-system functionality exists
- Test user data acquisition system for database
- Test video output based on dummy data in database
- Test audio output based on dummy data in database
- Present tests to potential installation venues
- Complete the coding of prototype inter-person dialogue procedure system
Q5 |
- Final installation venue(s) confirmed
- Acquire actual installation projectors
- Finalize all system interfaces - after this point no inter-system interfaces should change unless ABSOLUTELY necessary
Q6 |
- Acquire actual installation speakers
- Full laboratory build - prototype quality
- Determine architectural parameters for final build: objective is to hide the underlying technology as much as possible.
- Individual intra-system re-coding and tweaking
Q7 |
- Begin final architectural construction
- Inter-system re-coding and tweaking
- Implement "attract-mode" to entice user interaction
Q8 |
- Begin integrating final architectural components into lab build
- Finalize all code
- Final laboratory build - museum quality
- Packing and teardown of system for transportability
- Site installation of setup and site-specific fine-tuning
- Installation premier!
- Nightly system work and re-builds to correct for unexpected real-installation issues - necessary until system is running 100%
2 years, from concept to installation |
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