Information tends to decay over time; that information may be dissipated but not gained is one form of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, that also states that the probability that the entropy in the system shall decrease is zero. As a solution of this problem the author proposes a so-called "relay system" of information transmission by which the 10,000 years envisaged is divided in manageable segments of shorter and foreseeable periods. It is recommended that the messages at the burial site be designed for only three generations ahead. This message would have to be supplemented by a metamessage incorporating a warning that the object message at the site be renewed roughly every 250 years. For the informations kept in the archives a similar set of instructions should make it clear that , as the information starts to decay, it should be updated.
Every period of time the main signs and texts are going to be changed and translated into currently active languages, visual culture and reality. In our opinion the concept of the dynamic message is the only way to secure a more or less right interpretation of the message in such a long period of time like 10 000 years.