Monica Quinlan- Optical/Motion-Computational Processes |
13 May: Define and begin creating my new code; continue learning Processing environment 20 May: Finish basic code and continue familiarizing self with Processing 27 May: Assign slice width, saturation as variables to be changed based on input 03 June: Define variables based on interactive input 10 June: Refine code and present results; possible installation | |
Description |
Digital Slitscan Video. My project will consist of manipulating live digital video input and producing live slitscan videos. The slitscan process provides a surrealistic interpretation of the boundaries of space and time. The initial code will be based on the aesthetics of Zbig Rybczynski's experimental film, The Fourth Dimension. I will then experiment to produce variations in the program records images. The ultimate goal will be interactive projects, in which the distortion of the scene is controlled by participants.
PDF MidTerm Presentation |