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2021s Instructor |
MAT 255 Techniques, History & Aesthetics of the Computational Photographic Image George Legrady | http://vislab.mat.ucsb.edu Course materials are protected by US Copyright laws and by University policy. Contents of this course may not be reproduced, distributed, or displayed without my express prior written consent. Elings Hall, lab 2611, CNSI Building 2nd floor - Tues-Thurs 1-2:50pm |
Course Information
An interdisciplinary course that examines, thorugh case studies, the state of the photographic image, its history, the theoretical, conceptual, and philosophical underpinnings. The course bridges studio arts, engineering, and humanities. This course may be of interest to artists, humanities researchers or programmers as there are three directions to explore:
The end goal is to investigate the photograph’s transformation through weekly presentations of projects, methods and discussion leading up to the impact of machine-learning on the creative process resulting in computational generated artworks. | |
Course Workload |
Attendance and participation at zoom lectures Weekly contribution to course journal at Student Forum | Legal agreement Final presentation pdf documentation of either a research paper OR project |
03/30 ppt 04/01 ppt Chrono-Photography Decisive Moment Abstract Aesthetic Discussion Legal References |
Apparatus Fundamentals Camera Obscura | Leica | Kodak Digital | SphereCam | DroneExhCatalog [Legrady article] Single-View Synthesis | DeepView Synthesis | Raskar Photographic History Selection (1830-1990) Niepce | Talbot | Rejlander [img] [2] | Cameron | Emerson | Atget | Connor Bragaglia | Picabia | Carra | Marey | Muybridge | Duchamp | Abbott | Edgerton | Time/motion Daguerre [2] | Cartier-Bresson | Winogrand | Friedlander | Barrow Coburn | Bruguiere | Steinert | Abbott | Lerner | Ray | Moholy-Nagy | Krull | Schad | Siskind | Polke What is an image? [Studio International] | Aesthetic Primitives Analogy | Digital Manipulation | Evidence USDA | Fake Photos [Farid] | AB730 | AB602 |
04/06 ppt 04/08 ppt Pixel Statistical |
Raster/Pixel Digital Photographic Explorations (1960-1990) Harmon [cover] | Knowlton | Dali [1] [2]| Cordeiro [moma] | Gaines | Campbell | pixelFace | Schwartz | form&code | Timeline | Douglas [DCT info] | Continuous_discreet_p26 | Hoy [thesis] | Elkins Image Processing / Computer Vision Fundamentals Greenaway | Factum Arte | Computer Vision | Object recognition | Edge detection | Motion vision | Video tracking | image classification | dimensional convolution | image analysis | Kahn | Hyposurface | Fujihata [video] | Moeller Manovich_automation | shapetime | motion deblur | Burson | Najjar | Salavon | Kahn | Kurant | |
04/13 ppt 04/15 ppt |
Material, Machine-Generated Images Rossiter | Oppenheim | Breuer | Brandt | Muniz [2] | Paik | Vasulka | Rath | Baecker | Beshty Data, Signal & Noise/Glitch Ikeda | Kurokawa [2] [3] | Miyajima [MCA] | Reas | Legrady | Menkman | Vasulka Transformations | Nechvatal [interview] [article] | ScanLab | Calre Strand | Wooldridge |
04/20 ppt 04/22 ppt |
Volumetric Data Points, Photogrammetry Kinect | Depth Sensing Cameras | Lidar | 3D Scanner | Photogrammetry [Factum] Holdsworth | Colinart | Ghost Cell [explanation] | Parragirls Computational photography Resources | Frankencamera [Leica adaption] | Lytro [Plenoptic] | LightField Camera | LightField Video [Debevec] | Femto | PhotoSynth [Obama] | GigaPixel | Information Transmission - ElectroMagnetic Spectrum (Analog-Digital) Spectrum | InfoTheory | Electromagnetic audio | Gramophone | Firebirds | RainDance |
04/27 04/29 ppt |
Computational Aesthetics Hoenig | Visual Aesthetics | Reconstructing Histories | Computational Aesthetics Generative Art & Electrostatic Experiments Jäger | Molnar | Mohr | Lewitt | Nake | Cohen [Siggraph] [2] [3] | artNews | Sonia Sheridan [Systems] | Fredrikson | Galanter |
05/04 ppt 05/06 ppt |
Vision Science & Perception Crary | Marr | Visual Perception | Vision Science | Virilio | Foveated Style Transfer Machine-Learning, CNN, Deep Learning Weihao CNN presentation [video] | poloclub | CNN | CNN Online Demo | DeepDream | Image-to-Image | Excavating AI |
05/11 Intro ArtWorld Artists Conferences Cultural Critique 05/13 Guest Speaker DEMO |
Aesthetic Explorations of ML, CNN, DL, GANS Kyle McDonald [CNN video] | GAN Art | WeihaoList | Artnet | Neural Aesthetics | MLforArtists | Christie's AI | Ars Electronica | Barbican | Nature Morte | Atken [video] | Atken/Quayola| | Anna Ridler | Tom White | Sougwen Chung neurIPS | Papers | aiartists | aiartonline | Lumens Prize | Elgammal | Zylinska [video] | Fabian Offert Lecture Fabian Offert UCSB [video]| Aby Warburg | PFOM | SOM | History of Science | Tega Brain | Picture Theory imgs.ai | Publications | Gradient Article Mert Texture Synthesis [video]| Texture Synthesis [wxs] | VGG19 | Keras | Tenserflow | Imagenet |
05/18 Discussion In the News Fake Videos Art & Entertainment Market 05/20 |
Various Deep Fakes, Social Implications Dockray [Artificial Imagination][Fake News][Dissertation] Forbes | NY Times | MIT Tech Review Putin | Star Trek | 2min DeepFakes Coupe [video] | Disney | James Dean CSO | Face++ | Business applications TBA |
05/25 05/27 |
Individual Meetings Individual Work |
06/01 06/03 |
Individual Work Final Class Presentation (Reports due June 10, 2021) |
Additional References |
Six Stories from the End of Representation, James Elkins Picture Industry: A Provisional History of the Technical Image 1844-2018, Walead Beshty Artificial Presence, Lambert Wiesing Peripheral Vision Bell Labs, the S-C 4020, and the Origins of Computer Art, Zabet Patterson From Point to Pixel: A Genealogy of Digital Aesthetics, Meredith Ho Information Theory and Esthetic Perception, Abraham Moles Aaron's Code: Meta-Art, Artificial Intelligence, and the Work of Harold Cohen, Pamela McCorduck Anamorphic Art, Jurgis Baltrusaitis Universe Technical Images, Villem Flusser Towards a Philosophy of Photography, Vilem Flusser |