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2022f Instructor TA |
MAT255 Techniques, History & Aesthetics of the Computational Photographic Image George Legrady | http://vislab.mat.ucsb.edu Yixuan Li Course materials are protected by US Copyright laws and by University policy. Contents of this course may not be reproduced, distributed, or displayed without my express prior written consent. Tues-Thurs 1-2:50pm (some lectures may be online) otherwise Lab 2611, 2nd flr, ELings Hall |
Course Information
An interdisciplinary course that examines, thorugh case studies, the state of the photographic image, its history, the theoretical, conceptual, and philosophical underpinnings. The course bridges studio arts, engineering, and humanities. This course may be of interest to artists, humanities researchers or programmers as there are three directions to explore:
The end goal is to investigate the photograph’s transformation through weekly presentations of projects, methods and discussion leading up to the impact of machine-learning on the creative process resulting in computational generated artworks. | |
Course Workload |
Attendance and participation at zoom lectures Weekly contribution to course journal at Student Forum | Legal agreement Final presentation pdf documentation of either a research paper OR project |
09/22 |
Course Overview, Apparatus Fundamentals An overview of the optical-mechanical image capture machine |
09/27 09/29 |
Photographic History (1826 -1990) A range of explorations from documentary, pictorialism, composite assembly, photograms, formal composition studies, etc. Lab: MidJourney | Discord | Will Wulfken Reference | Projects |
10/04 10/06 |
Presentation of Equivalence, a voice-to-animation visualization George Legrady (Conceptual & Creative Direction), Dan Costa Baciu (NLP, Architecture design), Yixuan Li (Machine-learning, and Natural Language Processing Software Development) Lab: MidJourney | Diffusion Model Video |
10/11 10/13 |
The Image as a DataStructure Image as a Multi-Dimensional Data Structure | Interactive Convolution Neural Network | Aesthetic Primitives | Cohen's article about the image Lab: MidJourney Presentation |
10/18 10/20 |
Signal & Noise/Glitch Information Theory’s noise and signal, randomness, Brownian motion, artistic exploration Lab: Stable Diffusion | |
10/25 10/27 |
Generative Art | Text-to-Image Creativity | Gen Deep learning for Artistic Purposes Rule-based artistic explorations Lab: Stable Diffusion |
11/01 11/03 |
Image Generation, Deep Fakes, Social Implications Humanities perspectives, news perspectives, use in arts and entertainment and business, applications of Deep Fakes Lab: Stable Diffusion Presentation |
11/08 11/10 |
Machine-Learning, CNN, Deep Learning (Yixuan Li) An introduction to machine-learning, convolutional neural networks Lab: DALLE-2 |
11/15 11/17 |
Further discussion about Machine-learning (Yixuan Li) Lab: DALLE-2 |
11/22 11/24 |
THANKSGIVING Lab: DALLE-2 Presentation |
11/29 12/01 |
Lab: Final Project Work Final Project Presentations |
Student Projects |
To be posted at end of the course |