Gamma  0.9.5
Generic Synthesis Library
 All Classes Namespaces Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator
gam Namespace Reference

Main namespace. More...


namespace  arr
 Array rank functions for numerical types.
namespace  gen
 Generator function objects.
namespace  ipl
 Interpolation functions.
namespace  iplSeq
 Sequence (stream-based) interpolation strategies.
namespace  mem
 Memory functions.
namespace  rnd
 Random number functions.
namespace  scl
 Scalar rank functions for numerical types.
namespace  tap
 Read tap strategies.
namespace  tbl
 Table functions.


class  IndexMap
 Maps a real number in [0, pmax) to an integer in [0, imax). More...
class  Slice
 Uniformly strided section of an array. More...
class  AudioDevice
 Audio device abstraction. More...
class  AudioIOData
 Audio data to be sent to callback. More...
class  AudioIO
 Audio input/output streaming. More...
struct  SizeArrayPow2
 Size type for ArrayPow2. More...
struct  SizeArray
 Size type for Array. More...
class  ArrayBase
 Abstract base class for array types. More...
class  Array
 Resizable array. More...
class  ArrayPow2
 Resizable array with a power-of-2 number of elements. More...
class  Ring
 Ring buffer. More...
class  RingFill
 Ring buffer that keeps track of its fill amount. More...
class  DoubleRing
 Double buffered ring-buffer. More...
struct  DelayN
 N-sample delay. More...
class  Delay
 Variable length delay-line. More...
class  Delays
 Variable delay-line with multiple read taps. More...
class  DelayShift
 Fixed-size shift delay. More...
class  Delay1
 One element delay. More...
class  Delay2
 Two element delay. More...
class  Comb
 Variable length delay-line with feedback and/or feedforward. More...
class  SlidingWindow
 Sliding window for analysis. More...
class  DFTBase
 Base class for DFTs. More...
class  DFT
 Discrete Fourier transform. More...
class  STFT
 Short-time Fourier transform. More...
class  SDFT
 Sliding discrete Fourier transform (SDFT) More...
struct  AmpEnv
 Amplitude envelope extractor. More...
struct  Biquad3
 3 biquad filters in parallel More...
struct  Chirp
 Sine wave with frequency and amplitude driven by an exponentially decaying envelope. More...
struct  ChebyN
 Nth order Chebyshev transfer function. More...
struct  Chorus
 Dual delay-line chorus driven by quadrature sinusoid. More...
struct  FreqShift
 Frequency shifter. More...
class  Pan
 Equal-power 2-channel panner. More...
struct  Pluck
 Plucked string source/filter. More...
class  Quantizer
 Quantizes sequence sampling and element magnitudes. More...
struct  Threshold
 Compares signal magnitude to a threshold. More...
class  Curve
 Exponential curve with variable curvature. More...
class  Env
 Envelope with a fixed number of exponential segments and a sustain point. More...
class  AD
 AD (Attack, Decay) envelope. More...
class  ADSR
 ADSR (Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release) envelope. More...
class  Decay
 Exponentially decaying curve. More...
class  Gate
 Binary gate controlled by threshold comparison. More...
class  Seg
 Interpolation envelope segment. More...
class  SegExp
 Exponential envelope segment for smoothing out value changes. More...
class  CFFT
 One-dimensional complex fast Fourier transform. More...
class  RFFT
 One-dimensional real-to-complex fast Fourier transform. More...
class  AllPass1
 First-order all-pass filter. More...
class  Biquad
 2-pole/2-zero IIR filter More...
class  BlockDC
 DC frequency blocker. More...
class  BlockNyq
 Nyquist frequency blocker. More...
class  Filter2
 Abstract base class for 2-pole or 2-zero filter. More...
class  AllPass2
 Second-order all-pass filter. More...
class  Notch
 Two-zero notch. More...
class  Reson
 Two-pole resonator. More...
class  Hilbert
 Hilbert transformer, converts real signal into complex. More...
class  Integrator
 Leaky integrator. More...
class  MovingAvg
 Moving average filter. More...
class  OnePole
 One-pole smoothing filter. More...
class  Vowel
 Formant data of vowel sounds. More...
class  Node2
 Doubly-linked node. More...
class  Node3
 Triply-linked node. More...
class  Node4
 Quadruply-linked node. More...
class  NoiseBrown
 Brownian noise. More...
class  NoisePink
 Pink Noise. More...
class  NoiseWhite
 White noise. More...
class  Accum
 Fixed-point phase accumulator. More...
class  Sweep
 Linear sweep in interval [0,1) More...
class  AccumPhase
 Floating-point phase accumulator with output in [-pi, pi). More...
class  Osc
 Tabulated function oscillator. More...
class  CSine
 Complex sinusoid oscillator. More...
class  Sine
 Computed sine wave oscillator. More...
class  SineR
 Sine oscillator based on an efficient recursion equation. More...
class  SineRs
 Multiple SineRs. More...
class  SineD
 Damped sine oscillator based on an efficient recursion equation. More...
class  SineDs
 Multiple SineDs. More...
class  TableSine
 Lookup table sine oscillator. More...
class  LFO
 Low-frequency oscillator (non band-limited). More...
class  Buzz
 Base class for producing band-limited waveforms. More...
struct  Impulse
 Band-limited impulse train. More...
struct  Saw
 Band-limited saw wave. More...
struct  Square
 Band-limited square wave. More...
class  DSF
 Discrete summation formula (DSF) oscillator. More...
class  Player
 Sample buffer player. More...
class  Recorder
 Sound recorder. More...
struct  RNGLinCon
 Linear congruential uniform pseudo-random number generator. More...
struct  RNGMulLinCon
 Multiplicative linear congruential uniform pseudo-random number generator. More...
class  RNGTaus
 Combined Tausworthe uniform pseudo-random number generator. More...
class  Func
 Deferrable function. More...
class  SoundFile
 Class for reading and writing sound file data. More...
class  Synced1
 Normalized unit synchronization observer. More...
class  Synced
 Unit synchronization observer. More...
class  Sync
 Unit synchronization subject. More...
class  Timer
 Timer. More...
class  TransferFunc
 Transfer function of an arbitrary difference equation. More...
struct  Polar
 Polar number with argument in radians. More...
struct  Complex
 Complex number. More...
struct  Multi
 Multi-element container. More...
struct  ValPower
 A value in the form: base^expo. More...
class  Interval
 A closed interval [min, max]. More...
class  ValWrap
 A value wrapped to an interval [min, max) More...
struct  Vec
 Fixed-size vector. More...
class  FunctionTable
 Maps value in unit interval to a tabulated function. More...
class  UnitMapper
 Maps a unit value through an invertible function. More...


typedef void(* audioCallback )(AudioIOData &io)
 Audio callback type.
typedef long long nsec_t
 nanoseconds type


enum  SpectralType { COMPLEX, MAG_PHASE, MAG_FREQ }
 Spectral data types. More...
enum  FilterType {
 Filter types. More...
enum  WindowType {
 Window types. More...
enum  WaveformType {
 Waveform types. More...


uint32_t bits (const char *string)
 Convert a string of 1s and 0s to an integer.
uint32_t bitsToUInt (const char *bits)
 Converts bit string to unsigned integer.
uint32_t floatToUInt (float v)
 Cast float to unsigned int.
int32_t floatToInt (float v)
 Cast float to int.
float split (float value, int32_t &intPart)
 Get fractional and integer parts from a float.
void printHexArray (const float *table, uint32_t len, uint32_t valuesPerLine)
 Prints array as hexidecimal values.
void printPlot (float value, uint32_t width=50, bool spaces=true, bool sign=true, const char *point="o")
 Print signed unit value on a horizontal plot.
void err (const char *msg, const char *src="", bool exits=true)
 Prints error messge to stderr and optionally calls exit()
uint32_t indexLast (uint32_t len, uint32_t str)
 Returns last index of an arithmetic iteration starting from 0.
index_t posToInd (float v, index_t n)
 Maps a position in [-1, 1] to an index in [0, n). No boundary operations are performed.
template<class T >
Slice< T > slice (T *src, int32_t cnt, int32_t str=1, int32_t off=0)
 Slice object function.
void blockSubnormal (float &v)
 Sets argument to zero if subnormal.
void blockSubnormal (double &v)
 Sets argument to zero if subnormal.
int32_t castIntRound (double v)
 Cast value to signed integer using rounding.
uint32_t floatExponent (float v)
 Returns biased decimal value of 32-bit float exponent field.
float floatMantissa (float v)
 Returns mantissa field as float between [0, 1).
float fraction (uint32_t bits, uint32_t phase)
 Converts linear integer phase to fraction.
float intToUnit (int16_t v)
 Convert 16-bit signed integer to floating point in [-1, 1)
float punUF (uint32_t v)
 Type-pun 32-bit unsigned int to 32-bit float.
uint32_t punFU (float v)
 Type-pun 32-bit float to 32-bit unsigned int.
uint32_t unitToUInt (float u)
 Convert floating point in [0, 1) to unsigned long in [0, 2^32)
uint32_t unitToUInt2 (float u)
 Convert floating point in [0, 1) to unsigned long in [0, 2^32)
uint8_t unitToUInt8 (float u)
 Convert unit float in [0,1) to 8-bit unsigned int in [0, 256).
template<class T >
poleRadius (T bw, double ups)
 Returns pole radius given a bandwidth and sampling interval.
template<class T >
freqToRad (T freq, double ups)
 Convert domain frequency to radians clipped to interval [0, pi).
char intensityToASCII (float v)
 Returns an ASCII character most closely matching an intensity value in [0,1].
template<class T >
void print2D (T *pix, int nx, int ny, FILE *fp=stdout)
 Prints 2D pixel array.
template<class T >
double norm (const T &v)
 Returns a positive length associated with argument.
template<class T >
double normCompare (const T &v)
 Returns a positive number valid for comparing norms.
template<class T >
void addSine (T *dst, uint32_t len, double cycles=1, double amp=1, double phs=0)
 Add sine wave to array.
template<class T , class A >
void addSines (T *dst, uint32_t len, const A *amps, int numh, double hmul=1, double hshf=1, double hphs=0)
 Add harmonic series to array with specified amplitudes.
template<class T , class A , class C >
void addSines (T *dst, uint32_t len, const A *amps, const C *cycs, int numh, double hphs=0)
 Add harmonics to array with specified amplitudes and harmonic numbers.
template<int InvPower, class T >
void addSinesPow (T *dst, uint32_t len, int numh, double hmul=1, double hshf=1, double amp=1, double hphs=0, double wphs=0)
 Add multiple sine waves to array.
template<class T >
void addWave (T *dst, uint32_t len, gam::WaveformType type, int numh=32, double amp=1, double phs=0, double hshf=1)
 Add predefined waveform to array.
template<gam::WaveformType W>
double normConstant ()
 Get Fourier series normalization constant for a waveform.
template<class T >
Vec< 3, T > cross (const Vec< 3, T > &a, const Vec< 3, T > &b)
 Returns cross product, a x b.
template<class T >
Vec< 3, T > productZXZ (const Complex< T > &a, const Complex< T > &b, const Complex< T > &c)
 Returns spherical Euler product (ZXZ convention)
template<int N, class T >
Vec< N, T > rotate (const Vec< N, T > &v, const Vec< N, T > &p, const Complex< T > &a)
 Rotate vector towards perpendicular vector by angle using right-hand rule.
template<class VecN , class T >
void rotatePlane (VecN &v1, VecN &v2, const Complex< T > &a)
 Rotates two vectors by angle in plane formed from bivector v1 ^ v2.


const int endian = 0
 0 if little-endian, 1 if big-endian.

Detailed Description

Main namespace.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum FilterType

Filter types.








Band-pass with unit gain





Spectral data types.


Complex number


Magnitude and phase


Magnitude and frequency

Waveform types.


Sine wave


Cosine wave


Triangle wave


Parabolic wave


Square wave


Saw wave


Impulse wave

enum WindowType

Window types.


Bartlett (Triangle)








von Hann






Rectangle (no window)

Function Documentation

void addSine ( T *  dst,
uint32_t  len,
double  cycles = 1,
double  amp = 1,
double  phs = 0 

Add sine wave to array.

[out]dstdestination array
[in]lenlength of array
[in]cyclesnumber of cycles of sine wave, must be integer for periodic waves
[in]ampamplitude of sine wave
[in]phsphase of sine wave, in [0,1]
void gam::addSines ( T *  dst,
uint32_t  len,
const A *  amps,
int  numh,
double  hmul = 1,
double  hshf = 1,
double  hphs = 0 

Add harmonic series to array with specified amplitudes.

[out]dstdestination array
[in]lenlength of destination array
[in]ampsamplitudes of harmonic series, size must be numh
[in]numhtotal number of harmonics
[in]hmulharmonic number multiplication factor
[in]hshfharmonic number shift amount
[in]hphsphase of sine wave, in [0,1]
void gam::addSines ( T *  dst,
uint32_t  len,
const A *  amps,
const C *  cycs,
int  numh,
double  hphs = 0 

Add harmonics to array with specified amplitudes and harmonic numbers.

[out]dstdestination array
[in]lenlength of destination array
[in]ampsharmonic amplitudes of series, size must be numh
[in]cycsharmonic numbers of series, size must be numh
[in]numhtotal number of harmonics
[in]hphsphase of sine wave, in [0,1]
void addSinesPow ( T *  dst,
uint32_t  len,
int  numh,
double  hmul = 1,
double  hshf = 1,
double  amp = 1,
double  hphs = 0,
double  wphs = 0 

Add multiple sine waves to array.

Template Parameters:
InvPoweramplitudes will be set to 1 / h^InvPower
[out]dstdestination array
[in]lenlength of destination array
[in]numhtotal number of harmonics
[in]hmulharmonic number multiplication factor
[in]hshfharmonic number shift amount
[in]ampoverall amplitude scaling factor
[in]hphsphase of (sine) harmonics, in [0,1]
[in]wphsphase of composite waveform, in [0,1]
void addWave ( T *  dst,
uint32_t  len,
gam::WaveformType  type,
int  numh = 32,
double  amp = 1,
double  phs = 0,
double  hshf = 1 

Add predefined waveform to array.

The produced waveforms are not normalized; the fundamental always has a unit amplitude.

[out]dstdestination array
[in]lenlength of destination array
[in]typewaveform type
[in]numhtotal number of harmonics
[in]ampamplitude of waveform
[in]phsphase of waveform, in [0,1]
[in]hshfharmonic number shift amount
int32_t castIntRound ( double  v)

Cast value to signed integer using rounding.

This is much faster than using a standard C style cast. Floor or ceiling casts can be accomplished by subtracting or adding 0.5 from the input, respectively.

uint32_t floatExponent ( float  v)

Returns biased decimal value of 32-bit float exponent field.

The true exponent is the return value minus 127. For example, values in [0.5, 1) return 126 (01111110), so the true exponent is 126 - 127 = -1.

int32_t floatToInt ( float  v)

Cast float to int.

Reliable up to 2^24 (16777216)

uint32_t floatToUInt ( float  v)

Cast float to unsigned int.

Reliable up to 2^24 (16777216)

float fraction ( uint32_t  bits,
uint32_t  phase 

Converts linear integer phase to fraction.

2^bits is the effective size of the lookup table.
Note: the fraction only has 24-bits of precision.

void printPlot ( float  value,
uint32_t  width = 50,
bool  spaces = true,
bool  sign = true,
const char *  point = "o" 

Print signed unit value on a horizontal plot.

[in]valueNormalized value to plot
[in]widthCharacter width of plot excluding center point
[in]spacesPrint extra filling spaces to the right
[in]signWhether plot is signed
[in]pointThe print character for points
uint32_t gam::punFU ( float  v)

Type-pun 32-bit float to 32-bit unsigned int.

This function uses a union to avoid problems with direct pointer casting when the fstrict-aliasing compiler flag is on.

float gam::punUF ( uint32_t  v)

Type-pun 32-bit unsigned int to 32-bit float.

This function uses a union to avoid problems with direct pointer casting when the fstrict-aliasing compiler flag is on.

float split ( float  value,
int32_t &  intPart 

Get fractional and integer parts from a float.

Works reliably up to 2^24 == 16777216 Useful for linearly interpolated table lookups

uint32_t unitToUInt ( float  u)

Convert floating point in [0, 1) to unsigned long in [0, 2^32)

This conversion is most accurate on an exponential scale. Input values outside [-1, 1) return 0. Values in [-1, 0] behave as positive values in [0, 1).

uint32_t unitToUInt2 ( float  u)

Convert floating point in [0, 1) to unsigned long in [0, 2^32)

This conversion is most accurate on a linear scale. Input values outside [0, 1) result in undefined behavior.