


Rainbow Room

Immersed in color and sound

In the Rainbow Room, walls are bathed, 360-degrees around, with gradated shades of the color spectrum. A sonic experience is provided, and visitors stand in the color region which most closely represents, to them, the sound they are hearing. Sounds may range from tonal to musical to nature noises.

What color is this tune?

Every few minutes the sound within this environment would morph into something new. This would allow the viewers to contemplate a sound and move to a corresponding color area for a few moments until the sound changes once again. Please listen to a few examples of what individual sections might sound like.

Example 1

Alternative content

Example 2

Alternative content

Example 3

Alternative content

Example 4

Alternative content

Example 5

Alternative content

Color Tracking

These sounds would be placed in a very large loop- perhaps 2-3 hours long. This repetition would allow us to gather meaningful data over time. For example, it might show that during a particular section of music, viewers always seem to congregate toward the color blue. It could also show that certain sounds don’t really have a corresponding color if viewer placement was consistently random. Eventually this collected data would be shown in the Visualization Zone at the end of the exhibit.
