Historical Theater (past)
Theater form today (present)
Theater of Totality (future)
Man-Computer Symbiosis
'As a "cathedral of socialism," the illustration represents the aims of the Bauhaus to unify architecture with art and design in the service of social man.' -
The Bauhaus School was founded by Walter Gropius in 1919. In the unstable political environment of the time, the school strove to advance the arts. They believed that a new society was coming, and planned to create for it a new architecture, on which every member of their community had an impact. What resulted (and what carried on after Nazis forced the school's closure in 1933) was a style that was simple, incorporated social aspects, and rejected extraneous, "bourgeois" details.
Information on the Bauhaus School
BauhausArchiv Museum fuer Gestaltung
Bauhaus University
Bauhaus Dessau