A one page description of the project / research.
List of people to thank.
1.1 Problem Statement
Description of the general research focus and the issues are that are being addressed.
What problem will this research remedy?
1.2 Relevance of the Research
How will the work contribute to the current body of knowledge?
What is novel about your approach?
How does it address interdisciplinarity?
Review the state of the field and related work, and where your research fits in.
Discuss the methods used to address the problem.
Describe your experiments.
Report the results of your experiments.
Apply your chosen method of evaluation (self-assessment, user study, etc.).
What is the significance of the results?
Why is this research important?
Discuss how this research could be developed further by you or someone else.
Summarize how the issues stated in the Problem Statement were addressed.
The references support the literature review and the research.
This optional section can include a glossary, code, mathematics, data, examples, etc., anything that would clutter up the central part of the document.