

MAT End of Year Show



Exhibition | Performances

Friday June 7th, 5 - 9pm

Elings Hall, UC Santa Barbara

Show Website:

Event Brochure

MADE [at] UCSB is the Media Arts and Technology Program’s (MAT) End of Year Show at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Showcasing graduate student work that connects media art, design and engineering, MADE [at] UCSB represents the mission of MAT: to enable the creation of hybrid work that informs both scientific and aesthetic discourses.

The exhibition features over 50 installations, performances, concerts, and technical presentations by artists, scientists, and engineers from the MAT community and beyond. A diverse selection of work spans themes such as virtual reality, robotics, quantum physics, machine learning, electronic music and many other transdisciplinary subjects.

This year, two special tracks present work at the cutting edge of art and engineering: the Artificial Intelligence special track, curated by Fabian Offert, investigates the recent intersection of machine learning and the arts. The Fabrication special track, curated by Mark Hirsch, features new modes of fabrication with novel materials and machines. The exhibition also offers the opportunity to tour the AlloSphere: a three story, large-scale, audio and visual immersive instrument and laboratory.

